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          One day Mole pokes his nose out of his tunnel and discovers the world is an exciting place. He meets brave Ratty, kind old Badger and the rascally Mr. Toad, and together they go adventuring...
          Cruella de Vil is enough to frighten the spots off a Dalmatian pup. And when she steals a whole family of them, Pongo and Missis set off on a desperate rescue mission. But will they be in time to save the puppies?
          When bulldozers arrive in Farthing Wood, the animals must escape. They agree to protect each other, but as they face fires and deadly rivers, can their promise hold?
          Velvet is mad about horses. And when she wins a horse in a raffle, she knows he's something special.
          Nine delightfully charming stories about the once-upon-a-time little girl in the candy-striped dress.
          Seven delightfully charming stories about the once-upon-a-time little girl in the candy-striped dress.
          Seven delightfully charming stories about the once-upon-a-time little girl in the candy-striped dress.
          Marcia Williams retells the stories of Theseus, conqueror of the dreaded Minotaur, and the weaving contest between arrogant Arachne and the goddess Athene in her distinctive, witty and accessible style.
          Marcia Williams retells the stories of the mighty Heracles and his twelve tasks, and the musician Arion and his rescue by the dolphins in her distinctive, witty and accessible style.
          Marcia Williams retells the stories of the feather-clad fliers Daedalus and Icarus, and the tragic lovers Orpheus and Eurydice in her distinctive, witty and accessible style.
          Who are the two strange pilots, and what is the secret treasure hidden in the lonely valley where the children land?
          An amazing voyage around the beautiful Greek islands becomes an exciting quest to find the lost treasure of the Andra!
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